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Ayn Rand Hates Tuscaloosa And You Too Joplin! edition by George Kelley Politics Social Sciences eBooks

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It's popular these days to blame and vilify the government. No one really considers the necessary services that the government provides, as we all take them for granted.

But when tragedy strikes, as it did in Tuscaloosa, Al and Joplin, Mo, the need for government becomes too painfully obvious to the decent Americans who suffered massive losses at the hands of nature.

What is not obvious to these good people, who are all our neighbors, is the intent of the politicians and the party that they vote into power and support. The very politicians that draw their support from main street America such as Tuscaloosa and Joplin, conspire to destroy the necessary functions that allow neighbors to help neighbors, and the downfallen an opportunity to rise again.

The values of America are being attacked, distorted, and morphed into a perverted worldview by these people. To these people, it is no longer our duty to help our neighbor. To these people, there is no reason to respect anyone but the wealthy. To these people, there is no respect for the working men and women. To these people, there is no world but this one, and the new goal of society is to maximize selfishness above all other values.

These values are of Ayn Rand and she lives thirty years after her death in the policies of the once great Republican Party. Ayn Rand preaches no need to love your neighbor and demanded the individual live only for himself.

Ayn Rand hates Tuscaloosa and Joplin too; for here there exists no valid reason to sacrifice for those who need. Ayn Rand is worshipped by those in the highest levels of influence as a founder of a new morality.

It's time to realize who Ayn Rand was, what she believed, and how those thoughts corrupt our country, to the detriment of those who vote into power her disciples.

Ayn Rand hates America. America would be better off hating her back.

Ayn Rand Hates Tuscaloosa And You Too Joplin! edition by George Kelley Politics Social Sciences eBooks

Fantastic book! Highly recommend. Very well researched and hilarious writing. I really enjoyed it!

Product details

  • File Size 658 KB
  • Print Length 396 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publisher One Single Candle, LLC (November 22, 2011)
  • Publication Date November 22, 2011
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Read Ayn Rand Hates Tuscaloosa And You Too Joplin!  edition by George Kelley Politics  Social Sciences eBooks

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Ayn Rand Hates Tuscaloosa And You Too Joplin! edition by George Kelley Politics Social Sciences eBooks Reviews

This book needs to be read by anyone who holds a passing, casual approval of Rand and her teachings. Rand herself was never shy about exposing the harsh realities of her total vision, as evidenced by the second to last page of Atlas Shrugged, but with the passing of time her teachings have been convoluted into a mishmash of meaningless slogans and vague maxims about hard work and individual responsibility. Whether one agrees or disagrees with her vision as a whole, it is at least incumbent on those that would invoke her vision to fully understand the basis and purpose for her teachings, and this book delivers a stunning and entertaining barrage of anecdotes and observations that will enlighten anyone wishing to know 'the whole story'.

Conservatives and liberals alike will both benefit from the lessons contained in this book and be entertained by the storytelling prowess of this author, who one would hope we will be hearing more from in the future. A stunning success for a first book, and a must read for any casual observer of either politics or philosophy.
Whatever merits Ms. Rand's books may hold, they contain, at their core, a fiercely anti-Christian ideology. George Kelley exposes this seedy underbelly of the queen of mean in his in-depth book, Ayn Ran Hates Tuscaloosa... While Mr. Kelley certainly builds a powerful case against Ms. Rand, he also shows how her beliefs are intricately connected with what's going on right now in the world of politics. Connecting the dots from Grover Norquist to Paul Ryan to the Tea Party, we can see the ever-present picture of a bitter Russian immigrant emerging from the background. Mr. Kelley has managed to write a well-researched, yet very conversational book that should give all Americans pause. In the eyes of her followers, Ayn Rand is alive and well and she's coming for you.
I would have enjoyed this book more and appreciated its ideas better if it hadn't been so full of careless grammatical ERRORS! You do everybody a disservice, including your reader, when you violate so many basic grammatical conventions.
The book dissects the "Let Them Eat Cake" philosophy of much of the GOP and its followers. Written by a former right winger himself, the author goes into detail of those beliefs which put profit over people and corporate greed above all else. Although the author intejects his own opinions (what author doesn't?) the material is based on actual articles, and not fabricated hit pieces whose intention is to punish the Rand-ist agenda, as the truth does just fine punishing the "me first" mindset on its own. The selfishness of Rand's philosophy is on full display here. Check it out!
I found the title of the book intriguing and decided to give it a try. I was pleasantly surprised at the level of detailed research the author has done and at the same time, how he injected a level of humor and wit that kept me glued to this book for hours.

The book explores the philosophy of Ayn Rand and how that way of thinking has permeated itself into the present day Republican party. But the book goes on to take a much broader approach as Mr. Kelley examines the effects of conservative policies on American society. Mr. Kelley peppers the reader with well researched facts and figures and adds a great deal of emotional substance through personal stories that drive home the particular point he is trying to make. This is an excellent read for anyone, but especially those who may be in the middle of the political spectrum or even those who tilt slightly to the right but are becoming increasingly disillusioned with the hijacking of our country's agenda by the hard right. I should also mention that this is the author's first book and I look forward to hearing more from this bright new voice to our country's political conversation.
Periodically, I will read a "classic" that I avoided while in high school and college. For the longest time, I continued to avoid Atlas Shrugged for one "simple"-- pun intended -- reason too many pages. (If adding classics to my list was the goal, I could add several Faulkner novels in the time it would take to finish that monstrosity.) But it seemed I started hearing references to Ayn Rand and Atlas Shrugged more and more and more by politicians and political pundits, usually on the right. I found the story itself interesting enough-- no I did not read every single page of John Galt's final speech, but I got the idea. Initially, what amazed me about this book (Atlas Shrugged )that was held up by people who championed "God and country" was the complete absence of God. As I learned more about Rand, I realized it was not an "absence of God" but a distain for God and faith.

So I was excited to hear that George had written this book. It needed to be written. I hope that it is read -- especially by folks who "vote their faith." I believe that that is a voting block that would be the first to jump off the bandwagon and look for an option other than the party of Ayn Rand if armed with the information George provides.

Having first met the author during his Pat Buchanan/major of the month days, I know he has traveled quite a path -- perhaps more amazing than the path that brought C.S. Lewis from being an atheist to becoming a Christian -- so I hesitate to offer criticism. But I would like to have heard more about what seems to be the failure -- on the national level at least -- of the opposition party to offer Itself to this significant voting block as an attractive alternative. Jumping off the bandwagon is one thing, having a place to go afterward is another. Next book, maybe?
Fantastic book! Highly recommend. Very well researched and hilarious writing. I really enjoyed it!
Ebook PDF Ayn Rand Hates Tuscaloosa And You Too Joplin!  edition by George Kelley Politics  Social Sciences eBooks

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